Visit stmyouth.com for up to date information on Saint Monica’s High School Youth Group
High School Youth Group gatherings are on Sunday’s from 5:00-7:00 pm. Confirmation Preparation Classes are during this time for Year 2 teens.
As per Archdiocesan guidelines, preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year program and is available to youth at St. Monica’s beginning in their 9th grade year.
There are four options for registering for High School Youth Group please choose one:
Year One Teens: Teens in their first year of seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation. These are most often 9th grade teens, but can also be in tenth or eleventh grade.
Year Two Teens: Teens who have completed their first year of preparation. These are most often tenth grade teens, but can also be in eleventh or twelfth grade.
Confirmed Teens: These teens can continue to join us for additional formation and community.
Father Jack’s Catechism Class: Is offered on Wednesday’s from 4:30-6:00 pm in the Youth Room for all High School teens.
This year, Father Jack will focus on the Baltimore Catechism Book 3. The book is included in the registration fee. Teens will dig deeper into learning the elemental and foundational truths of the Catholic Church with lectures by Father Jack, followed by small groups.
Catechist Special Rate: Teens who have parents volunteering for Elementary, Middle, or High School Faith Formation
All teens attending Youth Group must be registered individually. Contact Kevin Conner with any questions regarding which registration your teen needs.
Questions? Comments? Contact
Kevin Conner Kconner@saintmonicas.com
Lisa Lyons Llyons@saintmonicas.com
or call 678-584-9947