Altar Boys
Fr. Brian Baker

Boys who are at least 10 years of age and who have received First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are welcomed to join this apostolate of service at the altar. Training …

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Art & Environment
Cyndy Furgiuele

Members assist the entire parish family in its worship by helping to provide a fittingly prayerful environment. The A & E Committee is a team of creative individuals who work …

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Extraordinary Apostolates of Holy Communion
Cyndy Furgiuele

This vital apostolates assists the clergy in administering the Eucharist at our weekend Masses. A love for the Eucharist and reverence for its majesty is requisite for this ministry. Training …

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Funeral Reception Apostolate
Karen Lastufka

The funeral reception apostolate provides food and beverage receptions after funerals are held at Saint Monica’s. For more information please contact or Karen Lastufka 678-584-9947 Read More

Parish Office

Serve the community by offering their warm welcome to all who join us for worship. Greeters also assist the ever-increasing new members of the community in finding answers to their …

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Apostolate to the Infirmed
Parish Office

This group of Extraordinary Apostolates of Holy Communion tends to our home-bound parishioners on a weekly basis to bring the Eucharist and Parish fellowship to those who, through illness or …

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Liturgical Life Support
Cyndy Furgiuele

Saint Isidore Society: Assist in cleaning the Church weekly. Cleaning includes vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and cleaning windows. Depending on the number of volunteers, weekly participation may be flexible. Altar Linens: …

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Sacred Music
Bridget Scott

SACRED MUSIC AT ST MONICA Introducing the St Monica Schola Cantorum! Youth Choirs St. Agnes Novice Choir -(mixed boys and girls) is the primary foundational choir for all first-year …

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Alessandra Alcoreza

No long term commitment needed here!  Just patience.  We seek kind and loving teens and adults to serve the youngest of our parish.   Consider one who cares for, reads to, …

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Fr. Brian Baker

These are Confirmed Catholics who assist the Priest and the assembly of the faithful during the Sacred Liturgy by proclaiming the selected reading from Sacred Scripture at our offerings of …

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Cyndy Furgiuele

Devotes their services throughout the entire Liturgy to ensure the Mass runs smoothly. The sacred duties of a Sacristan include: coordinating all Liturgical Ministries, preparing the church for Liturgy, placing …

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Cyndy Furgiuele

The corps of ushers covers all weekend Masses and the occasional Holy Day Mass so as to provide greeting and assistance to the Faithful as they enter the church, to …

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Wedding Guild
Cyndy Furgiuele

This group assists our bridal couples in navigating the intricacies of their wedding at St. Monica’s. The Wedding Guild directs the bridal party in the processional and recessional, coordinates …

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